Tailored Assessments
Develop tailored blind spot assessments based on job roles, industry, client specs and more using our customized services.
Managed Delivery
Deliver assessments as needed using Security Quotient’s robust and secure Learning and Assessment Infrastructure.
Assisted Employee Response Analysis
Analyze employee responses in the assessment with assistance from our Cybersecurity Advisory Team.
Detailed Reporting with Power BI
Use our Power BI-enabled reporting services to gain deep insight into assessment responses to identify poor behavior.
Periodic Repetitive Assessments
Tackle the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape with periodic assessments featuring questions addressing evolving cyber risk scenarios.

Benefits of Blind Spot Assessments
Gain early insights into security awareness and behavior risks before employees are given access to critical information and information systems.
Identify risks early
Unlike regular security awareness training that occurs after job onboarding, blindspot assessments give an early overview of the risks.
Demonstrate Compliance Conformance
Satisfy auditors and regulators by showcasing your early-risk detection approach with supporting blind spot assessment data.
Set the tone
Emphasize the organization’s cybersecurity prioritization by initiating cybersecurity blind spot assessments early in the employee journey.
Define specific corrective actions
Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, deliver personalized corrective training based on the assessment reports.
Satisfy Clients
Demonstrate your proactive approach to cybersecurity by giving clients insights into the blind spot assessment program.