Work with us

At Security Quotient, we are dedicated to our mission of helping organizations build a cyber-resilient workforce through behavior-focused training. Join us to make a meaningful impact, shape the future of cyber security, and defend against evolving threats in a dynamic and fulfilling work environment.

Our Values

Save organizations from cybercrime

Help cyber security professionals with the right solutions to stop cybercrime.

Care for each other

Inspire each other to grow and innovate.

Be inclusive

Hire on merit and character. Everything else stays outside.

Take care of planet Earth

Reduce carbon footprint by promoting remote work and low energy use.

Promote continuous learning

Continuously invest in employee training and upskilling.

Innovate without fear

Encourage innovation without the fear of failure.


Hybrid work model

Option to work partially from home or remote location*.

For parents

Six months maternity leave and two weeks paternity leave# with full pay. We support 100% work from home until the child is five.

Training fund

Financial assistance for training and certification.

Benefits for carers

Flexible work options if you are a full-time carer of a person with health conditions or disabilities.

Comprehensive health insurance

Medical insurance coverage for all staff with hospitalization claims.

*Full-time remote work option is available for young parents, carers and team members with disabilities.

#Extension is granted in most cases if parents need more time.

Life at Security Quotient

We take both work and fun seriously.